A shocking video shows the moment a five-year-old girl in Brazil fell into a manhole while playing outside in torrential rain ...
THIS is the terrifying moment a toddler plummets into a six-foot manhole in a communal garden. Footage shows a “wafer-thin” ...
Her dad has slammed a water company after his toddler "almost died" by plummeting six-feet down a "barely covered" manhole. Footage shows Anastasia Pearce, three, playing in her dad’s communal ...
KUALA LUMPUR: The gruelling search and rescue (SAR) operation for Vijayalaksmi will see the flushing of two manholes again after it was discovered that the water flow in the sewage system was slow.
Officials TNIE spoke to confirmed that the structure was a metro water manhole. “This is the first time that this manhole ...
A spokesperson for Severn Trent Water said teams have been out to inspect and work out what needed to be done to repair the manhole and its cover. "Due to the location of this manhole in the road ...