Everyone is talking about biomarkers right now. Hannah Coates shares the health experts’ guide to testing yours without ...
But it may not be the best thing to do, as a person’s waist-to-hip ratio is believed to say more about their health. Those who have more weight around the waist area than the hips may be at a ...
As the name itself indicates, Waist to Hip ratio, which is sometimes also known as waist- hip ratio or WHR is the ratio between the circumference of the waist and the hips of an individual. This ratio ...
Share on Pinterest A lower waist-to-hip ratio may be linked to better brain health in older age, according to new research. Natalie JEFFCOTT/Stocksy BMI has been used to measure a person’s ...
A new study has found that diet quality and waist-to-hip ratio in midlife are linked to brain connectivity and cognitive performance in older age. Researchers from Oxford University, University ...
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has investigated the relationship between long-term diet quality, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and brain health, seeking to understand ...
Maintaining a low waist-to-hip ratio in middle age could mean a better chance at staying mentally sharp in later life, researchers have concluded after studying several decades of health data for ...
The quality of diet and waist-to-hip ratio in midlife are associated with brain connectivity and cognitive performance in later life, according to a study. Researchers from Oxford University and ...
New Delhi: The quality of diet and waist-to-hip ratio in midlife are associated with brain connectivity and cognitive performance in later life, according to a study. Researchers from Oxford ...