Its nine masts meant it was high-powered enough to link all of Germany’s African colonies with Berlin ... carved up between Britain and France. WW1: How did an artist help Britain fight the ...
Chad Williams, the Samuel J. and Augusta Spector Chair in History and the author of “Torchbearers of Democracy: African American Soldiers in the World War I Era,” sat down with BrandeisNow to discuss ...
I mean if we look at this label here, the k-word on that label was a term used to describe black people in South Africa at the time. Femi: I know how incredibly offensive that term is today.
including 85 African-Americans. These men were part of an unknown chapter of history between Spain and the United States. Like thousands of people of the southern United States, James Yates was ...
Hundreds of South African servicemen ... we can be one of the families that people can talk about in the due course of history". Job Hlakula's great-grandson said they were "humbled" by his ...