Mary is often described as the Mother of God. This title refers to ... and to every prompting of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary is the Church's model of faith and charity.
Levine adds, “She can be the grieving mother, the young virgin, the goddess figure. Just as Jesus is the ideal man, Mary is the ideal woman.” During the Reformation (1517-1648), the idea of ...
360 A.D. "The Word begotten of the Father from on high, inexpressibly, inexplicably, incomprehensibly, and eternally, is he that is born in time here below of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God." ...
(Acts 2:4) Pentecost occurs ten days after the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Acts of the Apostles tells us that during this time the "apostles were constantly at prayer together, and with ...
marked by the document’s final chapter and Pope Paul VI’s declaration of Mary to be ‘Mother of the Church.’ Fresco of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in the Church Chiesa di Sant Antonio by C.