Liu, Xuan, Savannah Wei Shi, Thales S. Teixeira, and Michel Wedel. "Video Content Marketing: The Making of Clips." Journal of Marketing 82, no. 4 (July 2018): 86–101.
FlexClip is a fantastic way to get started on your first video-editing project - but it leaves some features to be desired.
Even though the future of TikTok in the U.S. hangs in the balance, a groundbreaking study in the journal Marketing Science ...
Photography and Video Production are integral to the development and reflection of the Miami University brand and delivery of its key messages. University Communications and Marketing (UCM) ...
FE International, a leading global M&A advisor for technology businesses, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Vidello, a video hosting and marketing technology company, by Banzai International, ...