A simple tool that I wrote when trying to figure out the process of establishing a SSL connection with OpenSSL. The code can be used as an example of how the handshake and verification is performed.
var ssl = require('ssl') , cert = 'encrypted certificate' , caFile = 'file.ca' , key = 'key.pem' , pass = 'abcdefg'; ssl.toFile(cert, { fileName: 'cert.pem ...
A move to drastically reduce the lifespan of SSL certificates, pushed primarily by Apple and Google, likely won’t make the ...
One of the easiest ways to prevent this message from appearing on your website is to buy a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate. There are multiple types of SSL certificates, including domain ...
SSL certificates are essential for encrypting traffic between systems such as clients, which access servers via web browsers or applications that communicate with remote systems. Certificates ...