MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) - A Vermont state lawmaker was arrested on Capitol Hill last week while demonstrating against cuts by ...
The trial for a former Vermont trooper accused of stealing cash and other items from locked police storage ended with a hung ...
日前,巴基斯坦媒体欢欣鼓舞地宣布,巴陆军在新一轮主战坦克发展规划中,再次选中了来自中国的VT-4。预计将在2020年10月公开的300辆VT-4订单基础上,追加160辆散件订单,由巴方的塔克西拉兵工厂在中方技术支持下进行组装。此外,巴方还计划以中方提 ...
A time to express gratitude and voice fears. Vt. Attorney General Charity Clark took questions from community members about ...
John Oliver sounded off on a Justice Department official’s claim that she was fired for refusing to recommend that Mel Gibson ...
CVOEO's Fair Housing Project is losing 80% of federal funding. They are reaching out to the community for help to finance the ...
A coalition of more than 50 shelter and services providers, and others, sent a letter to Gov. Scott, asking him to sign ...
全球领先的Wi-Fi HaLow芯片供应商摩尔斯微电子,近日宣布与先进嵌入式物联网解决方案提供商万创科技(Vantron)合作推出Wi-Fi HaLow适配器VT-USB-AH-8108。这款小巧但功能强大的设备搭载了摩尔斯微电子(Morse Micro)最新的MM8108芯片组,拥有卓越的性能、高效性和即插即用的易用性,将彻底改变物联网的连接方式。 本文引用地址: 万创科技推出的VT-USB-A ...
EXN, featuring upgraded interiors and a three-class configuration as part of a $400 million retrofit program for its fleet, ...
Virginia Tech women’s basketball just missed out on the field of 68 teams for the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament. But, ...
Air India has introduced its first retrofitted narrowbody aircraft, VT-EXN, under a $400 million program by the Tata Group.