智通财经APP讯,基石药业-B(02616)发布公告,公司自主研发的PD-1/VEGF/CTLA-4三特异性抗体CS2009的全球多中心I期临床试验顺利完成首例患者给药,未发生输液反应或其他不良事件。该试验将深入评估CS2009在多种晚期实体瘤中的临床应用价值,包括非小细胞肺癌、肝癌、胃癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌、肾细胞癌及宫颈癌等,旨在推动 ...
格隆汇3月4日丨基石药业-B(02616.HK)发布公告,公司自主研发的PD-1/VEGF/CTLA-4三特异性抗体CS2009的全球多中心I期临床试验顺利完成首例患者给药,未发生输液反应或其他不良事件。该试验将深入评估CS2009在多种晚期实体瘤中的临床应用价值,包括非小细胞肺癌、肝癌、胃癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌、肾细胞癌及宫颈癌等,旨在推 ...
【财华社讯】基石药业-B(02616.HK)公布,公司自主研发的PD-1/VEGF/CTLA-4三特异性抗体CS2009的全球多中心I期临床试验顺利完成首例患者给药,未发生输液反应或其他不良事件。该试验将深入评估CS2009在多种晚期实体瘤中的临床应 ...
The ability of tumours to induce new blood-vessel formation has been a major focus of cancer research over the past few decades, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is now known to be ...
A recently published study by Ulf Eriksson's research group at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet shows that elevated levels of the protein VEGF-B in ...
As a proof-of-principle, we screened human endothelial cells stimulated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and constructed a peptide-based ligand-receptor map of the VEGF family.
Additionally, the prognosis of macular edema may help clinicians evaluate renal function, investigators reported ...