More than 70 percent of managers think that the most common example of unethical behavior is when employees lie to cover up a mistake they've done, or take shortcuts in work tasks. Researchers at the ...
Gino, F. "Understanding Ordinary Unethical Behavior: Why People Who Value Morality Act Immorally." Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 3 (June 2015): 107–111.
As well as being accused of anti-competitive behavior and monopolistic practices, Amazon is also being criticized for how it treats consumers and workers. If we look at the key differences between the ...
Zhang, Ting, Pinar O. Fletcher, Francesca Gino, and Max H. Bazerman. "Reducing Bounded Ethicality: How to Help Individuals Notice and Avoid Unethical Behavior." Special Issue on Bad Behavior.
To O'Reilly, the connection between motivation, ambition, and unethical behavior is something of an obvious point. He gives examples like Enron, Theranos, and WeWork—companies whose executives ...
"Our study distinguished two types of unethical ... such behaviors do have a wider impact on society and may cause indirect harm to the supplier, for example, negative reputational effects.