Uncharted tells the story of Nathan Drake (Tom Holland), an aspiring adventurer, as he partners up with Sully (Mark Wahlberg) and Chloe Frazer (Sofia Ali) to find Ferdinand Magellan’s lost treasure.
2022's Uncharted introduced a younger version of Nathan Drake by casting Tom Holland, so the sequel also needs a younger actor to play Nate's brother. In the first Uncharted game, Drake is ...
A sequel to 2022's Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland ... Dog video game franchise of the same name, starred Holland as protagonist Nathan Drake who is recruited by Victor Sullivan (Mark ...
The Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland as everyone's favourite plucky hero, Nathan Drake, and Mark Walhberg as a mustacheless, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, has been confirmed to be hitting Netflix ...
Nolan North, who has voiced Nathan Drake in Naughty Dog's "Uncharted" games since 2007, makes a surprise appearance in the Tom Holland adaptation. "Uncharted" may be Tom Holland's first venture as ...
Tom Holland, the actor famous for his role as Spider-Man and Nathan Drake in Uncharted, has made it clear when he plans to leave the spotlight behind. Despite having a packed schedule with exciting ...
Saturday Night Is SNL’s Propaganda Origin Story The Three Holiday Ghosts of Taking Responsibility Books of 2024: A Year in Reading In Uncharted, Tom ... Holland’s explorer, Nate Drake, is ...
The movie is based on the popular "Uncharted" video game franchise, which follows a group of treasure hunters who travel across the globe. Tom Holland stars as Nathan Drake, the main character of ...