We would encourage you to also issue a UAS Operating Area so other enthusiasts could see your intended flight plans for de-confliction. Yes! Many of the rules do not apply to drones under 0.55lbs and ...
Under the Rules for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, the person actually flying a drone must be at least 16 years old and have a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating, or be directly ...
The University of North Dakota has a prestigious Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) program. Valley News Live talked with program Director Paul Snyder about drone rules and best practices, and what he ...
The Drone Rules, 2021, once notified, will supersede the UAS Rules, 2021, which came into force on March 12. Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said the draft rules mark a “stark shift ...
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, are becoming more and more popular across the Black Hills National ...
Designed to enhance the registration, application and monitoring of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations, CAAM chief executive officer Datuk Capt Norazman Mahmud said the UAS Traffic ...
The minor in unmanned autonomous systems (UAS) at the University of Nevada, Reno provides you with skills and experiences that will help you apply the knowledge gained in your major to specialized ...
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are increasingly being used for applications that range from package delivery to transportation planning to global change science. Our 11-credit online graduate ...