There is a federal requirement to notify airports within 5 miles of your operations. We would encourage you to also issue a UAS Operating Area so other enthusiasts could see your intended flight plans ...
Ofcom, the UK Communications Authority, and the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are making 978 MHz available for airborne ...
Under the Rules for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, the person actually flying a drone must be at least 16 years old and have a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating, or be directly ...
Both operations in the Middle East and the ongoing war in Ukraine have shown the increasing threat of UAS. An official ...
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, are becoming more and more popular across the Black Hills National ...
FAA officials at the National Public Safety UAS Conference introduced new waivers to streamline drone operations for public safety.
As attention has increased regarding aircraft activity in the eastern U.S., Inside Unmanned Systems will be providing ...