Many Jewish people put money into a collection box called a tzedakah. It can be found at home or at the synagogue, a Jewish place of worship. When the tzedakah box is full, it is donated to ...
That’s why, while we refrain from Torah learning, my own family invests in other religious practices — namely chessed (acts of loving kindness) and tzedakah (giving charity). With the end-of ...
A KKL-JNF tzedakah box is seen on a first-grader ... location in synagogues and study halls and introduce them into the Jewish home. Thus came about the tin box with a slit on top known as ...
On Monday, with tremendous simcha, the boys of Oholei Torah Cheder gathered together for a grand Siyum HaRambam, celebrating ...
B'nai Torah Congregation Rabbi David Steinhardt Rabbi David Steinhardt Cantor Magda Fishman, Dr. Tobi Richman-Steinhardt and ...