Tyranid Warriors will form the core of your ... up targets for the Zoanthropes to finish off (or vice versa), and the Maleceptor will accompany the Haruspex up the board, munching down on anything ...
Tyranids are a unified species led by the powerful and intelligent Hive Mind, evolving to adapt to threats. Tyranids consist of deadly bioforms like Trygons, Lictors, Zoanthropes, Broodlords, and ...
A Tyranid warrior often accompanies groups of Termagants and Hormagaunts. This variant can snipe foes from long distances with its acidic venom cannon. The Tyranid Warrior is a Majoris-level hostile.
A Tyranid warrior often accompanies groups of Termagants and Hormagaunts. This one uses its dual blades for quick combo melee strikes against its target. The Tyranid Warrior is a Majoris-level ...