The Leggett Street railroad crossing has been closed since August for renovation while gas company contractors in a separate project have squeezed traffic on South 14th Street since early December.
Tired of collisions and near-misses with trains, the Mississippi Coast will soon start leveling high railroad crossings that often snare semi-trucks and which led to tragedy after a coach bus got ...
Q. Jeff says what with all the railroad crossing fixes, pothole fillings, intersection cleanups and general street repairs Street Scene wants to get done I think you are trying to put the ...
Despite the large numbers of rail safety improvement programs spearheaded by the U.S. government over the years, “rules of the road” for local police and fire rescue agencies appear to ...
In late October, Lehi officials said the railroad issues had been addressed, but a crossing near 1700 South in Salt Lake City that sits in the Lehi zone was still in need of adjustments to meet ...
Lehi was one of the cities, among others, with crossings that were in need of required maintenance. In late October, Lehi officials said the railroad issues had been addressed, but a crossing near ...