This oldest known evidence of people living in tropical forests supports an idea that human evolution occurred across Africa.
Tropical rainforests lie along the equator, mainly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Rainforests have four main layers: the emergent, the canopy, the under canopy and the forest floor.
Rising CO2 levels are making tropical trees more efficient at photosynthesis. Learn what this means for climate change.
Canopy House, designed by Studio MK27, is a celebration of Brazil and its impressive nature, combined with its infinite ...
These forests have over 75% canopy cover and trees over 15 meters ... Our last tracts of undisturbed tropical rainforest have to be protected. But it also shows us that ending deforestation ...
These areas include the bottom of the Earth’s oceans, but also the canopy of the planet’s rainforests. Rather having herds of explorers clamber around in the upper reaches of these forests to ...
a sub-canopy layer of trees and tall shrubs, and a ground layer of herbaceous vegetation. Tropical forests have the highest biodiversity and primary productivity of any of the terrestrial biomes.