This guy is definitely the dream beer pong teammate because no matter where he stands, he easily lands his ball into a cup.
These ping pong masters have refined the art of the trick shot. After a lot of practice, these kids have figured our how to make a ping pong ball go anywhere. TikTok no longer accessible in US ...
If this old lady didn't know she could ping pong, she does now! And so does Adam, an innocent bystander trying to enjoy a quiet drink ...
[Jacob] has put a slightly new twist on the levitating ball trick with his ping-pong ball levitation machine. We’ve all seen magnetic levitation systems before. Here on Hackaday, [Caleb] built ...
We’ve heard of beer pong, but we’re not sure we’ve heard of wine pong. And certainly never wine pong automated with a ping pong ball ... Dust] has a few shots in the video that explain ...