The University of Tokyo is considering expanding its admissions framework beyond the general entrance exam based on written ...
A group of researchers from Tohoku University developed a method for synthesizing a special type of polymer that has ...
Tohoku University researchers used MRI to observe metal ion dissolution in lithium-ion batteries, providing real-time ...
Soaking up pollutants like a sponge, porous organic polymers (POPs) may be the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to researchers.
Tohoku University ranked first for the fourth consecutive year in the Japan University Rankings released in March by Times Higher Education, a British specialist journal. The Sendai-based ...
Glaucoma is called the “silent thief of sight” as many don’t notice until significant, irreversible vision loss has already ...
为解决青光眼早期精准检测难题,东北大学(Tohoku University)研究人员开展 AI 青光眼筛查(AI-GS)网络研究,该网络检测精度高、计算需求低,有望广泛应用于青光眼筛查。
A group of researchers from Tohoku University developed a method for synthesizing a special type of polymer that has ...
Researchers at Tohoku University, the University of Manchester, and Osaka University have made a breakthrough that has the ...
Researchers from the University of Electro-Communications (Akira Sumiyoshi and Jun Nakamura) and Tohoku University (Kohei ...
Researchers at Tohoku University have developed a titanium-aluminum (Ti-Al)-based superelastic alloy. This new material is ...