On a wet evening in Suhl, in the former East Germany, a smattering of youthful faces were among hundreds lining up to hear from an unlikely idol - Björn Höcke, one of the most controversial figures in ...
This may be the year the firewall collapses. The AfD is now polling at about 22 percent nationally and seems destined for a ...
The AfD in Thuringia is designated an extremist organization by German domestic intelligence and Höcke is its leader. But many of the young people we spoke to didn’t attempt to hide their ...
Millions of Germans are voting in snap elections. The centre-right CDU is predicted to win the biggest share of votes, ...
“A lot of people try to attack us with knives.” Caroline Litchtenheld, 22, agrees. She has spent the last two years as the head of the Young Alternative for Germany in Thuringia. “You see ...
It has doubled its vote share since 2021 with more than 10 million people picking them in this year's federal election ...