Spc. Jacob Mullen, 25, and Staff Sgt. Shelbe Butner, 28, died in a vehicle rollover at Fort Stewart on Thursday night.
Operating considerably beyond existing doctrine, the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized ... about offensive operations during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) will enable the Army to grow and further ...
The incoming battle staff should conduct an orders drill, walking through a complete military decision-making process (MDMP), to include briefings ... Discussion: Early in July, 2002, Third Infantry ...
For nine months, the 3rd Division ... military interoperability and deter adversaries in the European Theater. ”12-13 years since my last deployment and it was just the three of us.
As the Germans launched their last, desperate offensive on the Western Front in mid-1918, a relatively new United States Army unit, the 3rd Infantry Division, would earn the nickname “Rock of ...