Thebes was once ancient Egypt's capital and the cultic center of its most prominent god: Amun. It also was home to one of the ...
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Garbe, Philipp El-Raouf, Amr Abd Es-Senussi, Ashraf Lange-Athinodorou, Eva and Meister, Julia 2024. Lost and potentially found: the location of the “Temple of Hermes” at ancient Bubastis in the Nile ...
The ancient Egyptians celebrated the new year in a variety of ways, including having feasts, giving gifts, and exposing ...
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, ...
The mummies were transported from the Egyptian Museum on Cairo's Tahrir Square to their new home The mummies were discovered in 1881 and 1898 in two caches in the ruins of Thebes, Egypt's ancient ...
University College Cork has confirmed the return of mummified human remains and other items from its heritage collection to ...
It’s been a long and difficult journey, but Cork artist Dorothy Cross has finally succeeded in returning a mummy to Egypt ...
Rekhmire was a governor of Thebes during the reigns of Tuthmosis III and his son Amenophis II. His tomb is one of more than 500 found in the Valley of the Nobles in ancient Thebes. Like most such ...