From the gently swaying walkway, the sounds of countless insects and glimpses of Melinau River snaking through every shade of green encapsulate the wild beauty of Borneo. The Tourist Development ...
An estimated 18 million people live on the island, with the majority based in the coastal lowlands and cities. The forests of the Heart of Borneo area are of high value for people’s livelihoods and ...
WALTHAM, Mass., March 17. -- That strange bond of sympathy which existed between Plutano and Waino, the "Wild Men of Borneo," and made them the marvel o scientists in three continents, was never ...
The Nat Geo WILD show Orangutans on the Edge ... and explorers face when documenting them in the thick rain forest of Borneo. No one is more familiar with the orangutan’s challenges than ...
David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus begin their quest in Borneo, the first in the chain ... they discover and film one in the wild. However, it is an orphaned orangutan held captive ...
that there will still be orangutans left to study in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra. In the 1980s and ’90s, some conservationists predicted that orangutans would go extinct in the wild within ...
Of greatest conservation concern is the orangutan, which occurs naturally on only two islands in the world, Borneo and Sumatra, and is under increasingly severe pressure, primarily from habitat loss.
Researchers estimate that one-third of the wild population was killed in forest fires in Indonesian Borneo in 1997-98. Unfortunately, many orangutans live outside of protected regions, putting ...
The elephants are native to the island of Borneo, where much of their habitat has been lost due to deforestation. Now, there are only 1,000 Bornean elephants left in the wild-but there’s hope ...