In this installment of Rebelliously Curious, we explore the groundbreaking RISE initiative, its efforts to bridge ...
This week on The Program, we analyze the recent mystery drone incidents in detail and explore what their origins may be.
Government officials and whistleblowers will testify Wednesday on Capitol Hill regarding UAP and UFO phenomena. Writer and podcaster for “The Debrief,” Chrissy Newton, says the hearings may ...
“The circle-dance maneuver is just not possible,” Former U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter pilot Chris Lehto told The DeBrief ... congressional hearing on UAP / UFO in half a century.
Writer and podcaster for “The Debrief,” Chrissy Newton, says the hearings may not “blow the lid” off the story, but will be another “slow movement” toward disclosure on UAP. #UAP #UFO ...
“Let me be clear: UAP are real,” Elizondo testified. “Advanced technologies not made by our government, or any other government, are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe.” In a ...
was part of the navy’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, charged with investigating reports of unidentified flying objects. He has told The Debrief that the US government currently ...
In a Wednesday night debrief on “CUOMO,” Elizondo said he feels like the tide of public opinion on UAP is turning. “Hopefully, the public is getting an understanding of how long our ...