证券之星消息,晨化股份(300610)03月18日在投资者关系平台上答复投资者关心的问题。 投资者:董秘你好:央视315晚会曝光了非标电缆问题,由于使用劣质铜芯,不合格阻燃材料,非标电缆非常容易发生火灾,造成重大事故。请问贵司生产阻燃剂型号可以用于电缆制造吗?阻燃效果符合国标吗?
IIT Bombay and Monash University researchers developed a copper-based sensor for detecting toxic heavy metals in water, matching DNA sensor performance.
Bombay on Friday said that its researchers, in collaboration with an Australian university, have developed a sensor to detect toxic metals in water cost-effectively and efficiently.     In a bid to ...