Conceived by Parker and developed by Telepathic Instruments, Orchid is an “advanced chord generating hardware synthesizer” ...
Tame Impala is an Australian psychedelic rock project ... and some members of Australian psychedelic rock band Pond – Jay Watson (synthesiser, vocals, guitar), Cam Avery (bass guitar, vocals ...
Tame Impala were formed in 2007, with Kevin Parker being the central figure behind the project Scott Garfitt/Invision/AP Major 7, minor or diminished are three examples, and more than one of these ...
Tame Impala mastermind Kevin Parker is announcing a nifty new instrument that appears to do a lot without taking up much space. Called “Orchid,” the tool was apparently developed by Parker and ...
Earlier this year, we reported that Australian artist Kevin Parker - better known as Tame Impala - was behind the launch of a new musical instrument company called Telepathic Instruments.
The leading creative force behind psychedelic pop-rock band Tame Impala, Kevin Parker, has released a musical instrument called Orchid. It looks like a small keyboard and the mini synthesiser has been ...
The leading creative force behind psychedelic pop-rock band Tame Impala, Kevin Parker, has released a musical instrument called Orchid. It looks like a small keyboard and the mini synthesiser has ...