Tall fescue is an introduced species from Europe and ... Flowering stems are round and smooth and grow mostly erect. The grass usually grows between 24 and 48 inches tall. The root system is deep, ...
One of the first things people like to check off their "to-do" list in the spring is plant grass seed. This is understandable ...
Like tall fescue grass and other fescue species ... Before you finalize that bulk order of red fescue grass seed, read on to ...
When should you plant grass seed? Experts agree that for warm-weather grasses and cold-weather varieties, the time to sow ...
Dormant seeding of turfgrass Q: I seeded a new area with tall fescue in the fall for my kids to play on, but there are a few places where the grass is thin. A neighbor told me to seed those areas ...
Tall fescue is a widely grown cool-season grass that serves as a primary forage for livestock. However, many tall fescue stands contain a fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) that produces ...