2025年3月21日,全球制造业的目光聚焦于一年一度的TPM颁奖典礼。当伊利集团代表登上领奖台时,中国乳业首次摘得TPM最高级别“世界奖”的里程碑就此定格。从成为全场案例分享最多的中国乳企到斩获7项国际大奖,伊利用一场“品质管理实力秀”,向世界递出了 ...
Improved safety, longer machine life, and increased employee involvement are just a few benefits of a well-executed TPM strategy. After taking this course, users will be able to describe the key ...
近日,飞鹤乳业旗下克东工厂荣获TPM(TotalProductive Maintenance,全员生产维护)优秀持续奖。这是继2019年克东工厂首获TPM大奖、2023年龙江与甘南工厂双双折桂后,飞鹤乳业第三次登上这一被誉为制造业“诺贝尔奖”的世界舞台。此次获奖,再次彰显了飞鹤乳业在 ...
BRALIRWA Plc, part of the HEINEKEN Company, was recently awarded Bronze certification, reinforcing its position globally for Total Productive Management (TPM) quality standards and manufacturing ...