But even a weaking of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation could have grave consequences worldwide.
This 2022 astronaut photo reveals a menagerie of hidden oceanographic features surrounding a pair of Greek islands, including ...
Widespread coral bleaching at Ningaloo Reef off Western Australia's coast has deeply alarmed scientists and conservationists.
This causes the hottest layer to accelerate its speed, a situation that would occur in three quarters of the world's oceans. As the speed of the surface ocean currents (known as turns) rise ...
Deep-sea creatures, rare beings that typically reside in the abyssal depths, are surfacing in unprecedented numbers. What is ...
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth’s surface, and their warming is gravely concerning. So how much is down to climate change ...
A major motor for the global climate is beginning to falter: a massive system of ocean currents called the Atlantic ...
Something unusual is happening in the oceans. Strange deep-sea creatures are surfacing, and marine life is behaving ...
In the movie “The Day After Tomorrow,” the Atlantic Ocean’s ... on with the ocean currents. The most prominent dataset used to indirectly measure the AMOC is sea surface temperatures.
In a rare and astonishing event in February 2025, a deep-sea anglerfish—known as the black seadevil—was filmed near the ocean ...