Scientists have created a groundbreaking map of strontium isotopes found across sub-Saharan Africa—which could help ...
A new map of Africa that uses strontium could help descendants of the transatlantic slave trade to finally trace their roots ...
The map is available for public use through open access. It is the first bioavailable strontium isotope map to show predicted strontium isotope ratios across all of Sub-Saharan Africa. Strontium ...
While genetic tests can reveal the ancestry of enslaved individuals, strontium analysis can now home in on where they actually grew up.
Iron Age Iberians nailed skulls to walls in public. But were the remains those of revered friends—or reviled foes?
Euboean Greeks established the colony of Pithekoussai on Ischia, which became the first Greek settlement in the western ...
An analysis of the origins of seven severed skulls with nails through them shows that some people treated this way in Iron ...
Among the ruins of ancient cities scattered across northeastern Spain, archaeologists have uncovered a grisly yet fascinating ...
The ratios of strontium isotopes in fossil shark teeth can be used to better understand how coastal environments evolved in ancient times, according to our newly published work. Our study was one ...
The nailed heads ritual did not correspond to the same symbolic expression among the Iberian communities of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, ...
The isotope analysis of the Puig Castellar and Ullastret sites suggests distinct mobility patterns among these individuals, ...
Changes in strontium isotope ratios have multiple causes. Land erosion deposits strontium into oceans, while carbonate-producing marine life produce and release strontium when building their ...