Brooklyn is for the buyers. Six neighborhoods there ranked among StreetEasy’s new top 10 list of New York City nabes with the ...
Pockets with the biggest decline in median asking price include popular Boerum Hill and pricey Brooklyn Heights ...
Call it another quirk of New York City living. Though washers and dryers have been ubiquitous household items in most of the United States since the Eisenhower administration, their emergence as a ...
An Upper West Side apartment listing is asking for 35% of one year’s rent from applicants interested in living there. The ...
New York real estate search engine StreetEasy has partnered with Mother on a new campaign aimed at the city’s prospective home buyers StreetEasy’s new campaign, Let The Journey Begin, captures the ...
Naftali Group entered a contract to purchase 800 Fifth Ave. from Spitzer Enterprises, the real estate firm run by former New ...
The price is right – in one Big Apple borough. Manhattan home prices have nosedived while median costs in the outer boroughs are surging, new data shows. Manhattan’s median asking price of $1.55 ...
Asking rents in New York City increased by 33% from December 2009 to June 2017 at roughly 3.9% a year, reports StreetEasy. And while the NYC rental market has seen declining prices this year ...