The trends on Gift Nifty also indicate a positive start for the Indian benchmark index. The Gift Nifty was trading around 23,303 level, a premium of nearly 40 points from the Nifty futures’ previous ...
What follows are 10 stock market predictions -- ranging from macro takes to more company-specific expectations -- for 2025. 1. The stock market will endure a decline of at least 20% With the ...
Microsoft has started the new year with a small gain year to date. Is Microsoft stock, which entered 2025 with a market cap towering over $3 trillion, a buy in January? This story will assess ...
I write an article of bold predictions each year, with my thoughts on where the stock market, economy, interest rates, and more are heading. And they are meant to be "bold" predictions ...
Investors interested in a deeper exploration of market cycles can also refer to: For a comprehensive explanation of the Pi Cycle Top Prediction chart, investors can watch a detailed video by Matt ...