Stephanie Rose Whittaker, a mother-of-three who was 34 years old at the time of her disappearance, has not been seen since March 1990. Despite being missing for over three decades, there has been ...
Mother-of-three Stephanie Rose Whittaker, from Newport, was 34 years old when she went missing in March 1990. In the last three decades the case has received little media coverage and no fresh ...
Stephanie Rose Whittaker, a mother-of-three who was 34 years old at the time of her disappearance, has not been seen since March 1990. Despite being missing for over three decades, there has been ...
A mum who vanished on what was meant to be a short walk to meet friends is still missing nearly 35 years on. Mother-of-three Stephanie Rose Whittaker, from Newport, was 34 years old when she went ...