Spike, who lives in Japan's Nagano prefecture with his human a teacher named Mandy Bryant, is a stag beetle. Found in many parts of Asia, stag beetles are listed as a globally threatened species.
There are more than 2,000 species of beetles known from the London area,' says Max Barclay, Senior Curator in Charge of the Museum's beetle collection. 'London is even a stronghold for the rare ...
Male stag beetles are known for their distinctive antler-like jaws Stag beetle researchers have called on people across London to record any sightings to help track the insect's whereabouts and ...
A stag beetle flying at dusk is a rare and amazing sight. At up to 7cm long, it’s our largest beetle. Its name comes from enormous jaws that look rather like a stag’s antlers. Stag beetles ...
A stag beetle is a cultural symbol in Inoue’s native Japan. To make one in tribute, Inoue collected every shade of green he could find in his Montreal backyard. After a flower shop in Ecuador ...