A sperm whale got into difficulty after becoming entangled in rope off the east coast of Skye. The British Divers Marine Life ...
In February, two fisherman saved a humpback whale which got entangled in fishing gear off the coast of Skye. A calf sperm whale washed up on Skye in October 2023, but marine experts said it was ...
A sperm whale got into difficulty after becoming entangled in rope off the east coast of Skye. The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) said it was alerted to the incident at 13:00 on ...
This past weekend, the Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles (MMCC) responded to a call on a rare pygmy sperm whale ...
But across various blue whale populations, high pregnancy rates of 33–50% annually seem to contradict the average 3.1% rate of sightings of blue whales involving mother-calf pairs.
But across various blue whale populations, high pregnancy rates of 33-50% annually seem to contradict the average 3.1% rate of sightings of blue whales involving mother-calf pairs.
California State Parks rangers found the adult pygmy sperm whale on the beach north of Grand Avenue last week. They reported the discovery on Friday at 8 a.m. to the Marine Mammal Center ...
"Pygmy sperm whales don’t show up on local beaches unless ... Experts also conducted a detailed exam of the unborn calf. "This case highlights the importance of collaborative research in ...