Emergencies happen, unfortunately, and having a backup power supply can make a huge difference to you and your family. Here's ...
[Hyperspace Pirate] built a small turbine and boiler in his garage, turning fire into flowing electrons, and learning a bunch in the process. [Hyperspace Pirate] based the turbine design on 3D ...
On the plus side, a small generator is a mobile generator, and this one’s wheels and handles make it relatively easy to move around. Here’s a sample list of appliances the Champion 4,650-Watt ...
The Expert: I’ve been testing generators and power stations at Popular Mechanics for 5 years. In that time I’ve tested dozens of units, both big and small. Aside from testing, I also have ...
When the power goes out in any season, having a backup generator ready to go solves a lot of problems. It keeps your fridge cold, so food doesn’t spoil. It ensures that essential medical ...