The blue and white livery. The absurdly wide tyres ... You don’t need to be a dedicated student of motorsport history to know the Skyline GT-R was a force to be reckoned with during the early ...
2 天
来自MSN再一燃油神话按下关机键,日产GT-R正式停产日产旗下极具代表性的高性能车款 Skyline GT-R 车系,于 2007 年以车型代号 R35 的全新世代重生,且舍弃了 Skyline 车系之名、改为独立研发的品牌顶级跑车,而 R35 世代 日产 GT-R 在经过了长达 18 ...
For a car never sold new in the U.S., the Nissan Skyline GT-R has an enviable reputation here. Enthusiasts know it as a movie and video-game star, and even as a surprisingly common matchbox car.
Photo: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Two years before launching the iconic R32 Skyline GT-R, Nissan introduced a fascinating homologation special that paved the way for the reintroduction of the now ...