Many animals migrate long distances in order to follow food, weather patterns, or to mate. Keeping track of how far animals travel is important for scientists who need this information for ...
Top of the food chain out here are these, silky sharks. They get their name from the silky sheen of their skin. So little is known about the migrations of these sharks. And, when shark biologist ...
The Galapagos Islands are home to many species of shark, including the largest shark, the whale shark. Whale sharks are ...
But many other sharks and rays are also at risk. With populations declining, WWF wants CITES to extend protection under CITES Appendix II to thresher and silky sharks, which are traded for their fins.
A Flourishing Reef Immerse yourself in the Gardens of the Queen. Home to silky sharks, myriad fish, and the critically endangered elkhorn coral, the reef teems with life and vibrancy.