She also noted that it is still unknown whether these drivers of brain shrinkage and regrowth will be applicable to human neurodegenerative disease. “On one hand, we think that the shrew as a system ...
The masked shrew displays characters typical of all shrews. The slender, cylindrical body has a short, velvety, directionless fur. The long, tapered head ends in a flexible, tubular snout, with the ...
The short-tailed shrew differs from other Adirondack shrews in having a blunter snout, a shorter tail that is less than 25% of the total length, a heavier more cylindrical body, and fleshy feet. The ...
"The closest known henipavirus to Camp Hill virus that has caused disease in humans is Langya virus, which crossed from shrews to humans in China," Dr. Parry said. "This indicates that shrew-to ...
[Hendra virus] was first detected in Australia in 1994 and has a case-fatality rate of around 60%. [Nipah virus] has caused ...
Shrews belong to a famously diverse mammalian family, Soricidae. One genus, Crocidura, contains more than 180 species. A team of scientists from the US, Indonesia, and Australia have now added to this ...
A shrew is a tiny rodent that looks like a long ... [Nipah virus] has caused disease outbreaks across Southeast Asia since being initially detected in Malaysia in 1998, and it kills between ...