A final word from naval history, about a cannon. When it broke loose from the breeching rope that held it steadfast to the hull of the ship during heavy seas or firing, a loose cannon created ...
BEIJING--Chinese coast guard ships fired water cannons and blocked and rammed a Philippine fisheries vessel Sunday in the disputed South China Sea, where hostilities between the Asian neighbors ...
I did not want to cope with unknown shrinkage problems and did not have the time to test each bag of clay. The colour was painted on the dry unfired clay and then, after bisque firing, a black stain ...
With three side-firing weapons, a 25mm Gatling gun, a 40mm Bofors cannon, and a 105mm howitzer, it's easy to see why it got its name. Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our Partners ...
“The fire broke out in the ship’s cargo area. “Water cannons from the two tugboats were used to bring the fire under control,” it added. An MMEA ship that was operating in another sector ...
The Chinese are telling everyone the naval manoeuvres are not illegal, but it’s odd to hear Australia’s prime minister and ...