Immunohistochemical staining for the four efflux pumps was performed on normal testicular tissue (n = 12), non-pretreated nonseminoma (n = 10), seminoma (n = 10) and testicular lymphoma (n = 9 ...
Since the 1950s, the incidence of the two main cellular subtypes of testicular cancer, nonseminoma and seminoma - the more common, slower growing kind that strikes men in their 30s and 40s - has ...
It removes the affected lymph nodes. Your retroperitoneal lymph nodes are found in areas near your kidneys. MSK has among the most experienced surgeons in the world for RPLND surgery for both ...
Dr. Axel Heidenreich presented the final results of the COTRIMS (Cologne trial of retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in metastatic seminoma) trial. Clinical stage (CS) IIA/B seminoma accounts for only 10 ...