But when the kids become the monsters, they represent horror at its most extreme. So intense, in fact, are scary children that filmmakers don’t often take advantage of the trope, as it pushes ...
Parents must take steps to protect their children from predators who use the latest cellphone apps to seek out their prey.
It’s pretty shocking that we’re coming up on the third anniversary of Ybor City’s legendary Orpheum relocating to Tampa ...
Residents left ‘sick to their stomach’ after paedophile ring exposed in case which ‘plunges to the depths of human depravity’, Amy-Clare-Martin reports ...
Despairia, Taunton's one-stop horror shop, surprisingly caters to a younger clientele than you might anticipate. Upon ...
SEVEN members of a twisted paedophile ring who preyed on kids in a drug den dubbed the ‘Beastie House’ have been jailed for a ...