最重要的是,是否能通过监测太阳表面的活动,可靠地预测太空天气? 为了探索这些与太阳动力学有关的疑问,SDO携带了三台科学仪器——日震和磁像仪器(HMI)、极端紫外变异性实验(EVE)以及大气成像组件(AIA)——不仅能在秒到年这样的时间尺度上连续 ...
The solar array corners are clipped to provide clearance for the high-gain dishes when the Earth is between SDO and the Sun. The four telescopes of AIA are visible on the top with EVE and HMI on ...
The Center (JSOC) handles data from two of SDO's three scientific instruments: the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument and Atmospheric Imaging Array (AIA). Several inches of water ...
It is requested, however, that any such use properly attributes the source of the images or data as: "Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams." ...