Warmaker," which is an amalgam of Kawamori, the co-creator of Macross. Roy Focker's yellow biplane in Hikaru's dream sequences has "Kawamori" labeled behind the seat. Shoh Blackstone, who is ...
Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included ...
Macross 7 streams on Disney Plus in the UK/Canada/Australia/NZ. As of writing, no US release date has been confirmed. This is the series I've been waiting thirty years to watch officially in English, ...
Disney+ is bringing almost every Macross series to its streaming service this year, including movies and OVAs. Macross is a ...
Returning from the edge of our solar system after making a space fold, the SDF-1 Macross makes the long journey back to Earth with survivors of South Ataria Island.
Super Dimension Fortress Macross is a deep saga of space exploration and romance, marking a milestone in sci-fi anime. Cowboy Bebop tells a doomed love story across alien worlds with jazz-infused ...
The beloved mecha anime series Macross is receiving a collaboration through an unexpected medium: kabuki theater. In 2024, kabuki performances will be held in celebration of the characters and ...