Robert Redford and Barbra Streisand costarred in the 1973 megahit film The Way We Were. The pair play a couple in the movie, and a recent report indicates that Barbra would have been happy if that ...
He has appeared on the silver screen alongside sirens such as Demi Moore, Barbra Streisand and Meryl ... Can you guess who it is? Robert Redford, making a comeback after a six-year hiatus ...
Even though Robert Redford never wanted to become a sex symbol or heartthrob, it happened anyway, but even he had some issues in Hollywood.
Barbra Streisand Had a Massive Crush on Robert Redford While Filming Classic Movie, New Biography Says Robert Redford Stresses Importance of Diversity at Sundance, but Says He's Not 'Into the ...
Robert Redford wasn't what anyone would call a sequel guy, but he did have the chance to reprise one of his most notable roles.