Robert Falcon Scott was born on 6 June 1868 in Devonport. He became a naval cadet at the age of 13 and served on a number of Royal Navy ships in the 1880s and 1890s. He attracted the notice of the ...
This telescope was used on board HMS Discovery during the British Arctic Expedition from 1875-76. It was also used on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's National Antarctic (Discovery) Expedition from ...
Scott didn't like skis! These skis were used for depot runs. The expedition party travelled to the South Pole by foot.Robert Falcon Scott ... Antarctica aboard on 'Discovery' in 1901-1904.
The wreck of the ship that carried Captain Robert Scott on his doomed expedition ... Brian Kelly, an education officer from the Discovery Point museum in Dundee, where the ship was built, told ...
Captain Robert Falcon Scott and four of his men reached the geographic South Pole on January 18, 1912, only to meet with disappointment in the form of a tent and a Norwegian flag.