By the musicians of the Swedish Council Communist group Folkmakt, this text outlines the need for a new music scene.
Black History Month is different this year. Trump’s rants about “diversity hires” and vision of a “color-blind” America are ...
The change in social consciousness necessarily preceding ... is what creates in a period of revolution that leaping movement of ideas and passions which seems to the police mind a mere result ...
A number of social movements set out to change the political reality and conditions in Egypt more than a decade ago. The January revolution was proof that their attempts were successful ...
The trend then evolved as WWII commenced. During WWII, Hitler hated red lipstick and sought to ban cosmetic surgery from ...
Marxism, of course, was not merely something accidental or insignificant in the German labour movement. Yet there would be no basis for deducing the social-revolutionary character of the party ...
The 50501 movement and Political Revolution said in a joint press release they are calling for the removal or resignation of ...
As the feminist movement evolved in the late 1960s ... the Pill became a convenient scapegoat for the sexual revolution among social conservatives. Many argued that the Pill was, in fact ...