The University of Southern California bioengineer studies how lizards regrow their tails, with the goal of one day inducing regeneration in humans. Thomas Lozito began investigating amphibians and ...
The ability to lose and regenerate tissue, known as autotomy, is a well-studied phenomenon. Certain species of amphibians easily regenerate full limbs after amputation. Some lizards use autotomy as a ...
A new study from USC Stem Cell scientists reveals how certain animals, such as zebrafish and lizards, can regenerate their hearing by reactivating dormant gene regulators. The discovery provides ...
The lizard can only regenerate the tail one time, though, and regeneration can take several months to a year or two [source: WDNR]. The tail-drop is a very effective defense mechanism, even if it ...
What are the relationships between form and function of organisms and their external environment ? To answer these questions, we investigate new emerging vertebrate models such as squamate reptiles ...
The study reveals a set of DNA control elements critical for supporting cells to regenerate hair cells after injury in zebrafish, lizards and other regenerative species.