An curved arrow pointing right. Seltzer water, club soda, and tonic water are all different forms of water, but all quite different. Here's what sets them apart. Follow BI Video: On Twitter More ...
Diet Coke debateit doesn’t matter if you choose club soda vs. seltzer water, because they’re both healthier options than soda. Still, as you head down your supermarket’s water aisle ...
Of course, there are a wide array of flavors and even spiked versions available at retailers, but for unflavored bubbles, how do you know if it’s seltzer vs. club soda vs. sparkling water?
Bud Light Seltzer offers a citrus hard soda. First impression: This hard seltzer looked like carbonated pickle juice and smelled like lime gelatin, which I didn't love. Review: The Bud Light ...
Sparkling water - which includes club soda and seltzer - has been around since the 18th century and has long been viewed as a non-alcoholic alternative to boozy drinks. Today, it's a booming ...
We go through a lot of seltzer in my house. I like to sip it throughout the day — my boyfriend even more so — and in the evening my current drink of choice is a Campari with soda. The number ...