In November 2023, rain launched the101 5G smart router. With a choice of 101 skins, they combined beauty and brains. the101 ...
C114讯 11月26日消息(蒋均牧)5G FWA作为新一代网络接入技术,正在全球范围内展现出其巨大的优势和广泛的益处。尤其在光纤欠发达地区,5G FWA已 ...
The new “pro” version of Rain’s 5G router reveals the high-speed potential of wireless broadband, writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK.
However, it caused severe network deterioration as South Africans sought affordable uncapped Internet during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rain was also the first to launch fixed-5G the year before ...
The growth in mobile customers was fuelled by the popularity of its rainOne and rain mobile offerings, ARCI directors said.