RSV是一种常见的感染人呼吸道的病毒,主要通过飞沫和接触进行传播1。健康成人感染RSV可能只是表现为轻微感冒,但 对于婴幼儿来说,则容易发展为重症,可能会引发从轻微感冒到重症肺炎的各种症状1。
The success of an ongoing pilot programme offering RSV vaccination to newborn infants provides hope in tackling the ...
As cold and flu season continues in Vermont, UVMMC is urging families to get their newborns and infants preventatively treated for RSV.
呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是一种极具传染性的呼吸道病原体,尤其在婴儿和老年人中可引发严重的健康问题。RSV感染可导致急性下呼吸道感染(LRTI),在5岁以下儿童中是全球范围内的主要健康负担之一。在老年人中,尤其是那些有基础疾病的个体,RSV感染同样可导 ...
A study today in JAMA Network Open from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), shows a high uptake of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine and the RSV-preventing monoclonal antibody ...
RSV infections are common but while most people are fine 29,000 children are admitted to hospital in the UK every year ...
A vaccination programme introduced to protect babies and older adults against a dangerous respiratory disease has cut ...
What are the lasting impacts of RSV, and how can you prevent your infant from getting the infection? Dr. Stephania Cormier is ...
Although RSV often presents initially with common cold-like symptoms, it can progress to more severe respiratory problems.
Babies under 8 months old are eligible to get an RSV vaccine, and women who are pregnant can also get it to protect kids before they're born. The vaccine is available now through March. If you have ...
A vaccination program has cut hospital admissions for a respiratory virus among older people in Scotland by nearly two-thirds ...
The U.S. has seen earlier and more intense surges of the flu and RSV this year than is typical, pediatrician Dr. Ryan Fulton notes.